
单词数:320 示例图

pair correct spelling word practise
match meaning complete sentence dictionary
grammar letter look up mistake make a mistake
understand advice should possible write down
notebook forget pronounce aloud radio
pronunciation key main excellent agree
agree with sb. vocabulary ask for improve basic
time advise shy conversation quickly
natural suggest place hill population
wide million pretty pretty good than
get north south west home town
especially be famous for university island area
low mountain countryside umbrella baseball
volleyball boring exciting relaxing score
already matter What's the matter? hurt enjoyable
Olympics stadium miss mind plenty
plenty of beat careless cheer ⋯ on coach
fan club against train practice warm
warm up usual better after-school pleased
pass pity chance loudly confident
road accident except choice classmate
far far from close crowded all the time
journey book park outside however
cost actress teahouse offer end
in the end no idea act show common
twentieth describe society head teacher college
novel name if magic snake
neck thin danger in danger at last
interested allow think of protect wild
grow take away enough peace in peace
notice look after raise research baby
situation scientist produce southwest in order to
government set set up nature nature park
develop feed symbol fall follow
hole rabbit ssh ground tea party
twice once or twice suddenly pink pocket
field think about deep while land
dry pale appear round corner
hit glad in time fall off risk
attention pay attention side side by side bite
climb hide throw fridge pain
worse medicine noise prepare notes
report Grow huge cause problem
increase birth billion fifth hang on
flat rubbish quiet local close down
pupil pollution public service solve
cloud shower snow storm cloudy
rainy snowy sunny windy skate
thick ice joke might temperature
minus degree although wet neither
terrible wish probably come on mile
Round northwest southeast from time to time cap
chess Set a chess set chopstick toy
video video game gift surprise immediately
difference accept tradition example for example
must month serious taste experience
stay someone for the first time sandwich chip
fish and chips onto gentleman shoulder broken
glass stairs aid first aid medical
imagine bottom at the bottom of wrong What's wrong with ⋯?
trouble lift lift up harmful drop
training make sure cover earthquake warn
inside under window keep clear
keep clear of ⋯ calm brave helpful power
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